When you hear the term “self-defense,” being able to protect yourself physically is likely what comes to mind. But should a situation present itself, are you prepared mentally and emotionally?

“Despite what people think, self-defense is primarily mental and emotional,” says Cooper Fitness Center Martial Arts Pro, Mike Proctor.

While Proctor says physical self-defense is relatively simple to learn, mental and emotional self-defense can take time and practice.

Mental self-defense

Mental self-defense is an important skill in many instances, but especially when it comes to bullying. That’s because bullying is all about having power and control over another person.

“Bullying isn’t just a childhood issue,” says Proctor. “It’s an issue everyone faces, even in the workplace.”

How do you mentally prepare to stand up for yourself? Proctor says to not be afraid of the person trying to have power over you.

“Mentally, you need to know the parameters of where you are, what’s going on and how to handle it,” says Proctor.

If you’re in a workplace, Proctor says it’s important to familiarize yourself with the rules set by your Human Resources department.

You should also know the environment of your office and what the policies and procedures are. Will your coworkers have your back if something happens? Proctor says it’s important to know who you can lean on for support.

Emotional self-defense

Proctor says anger and fear can make it tough to speak up when you feel disrespected.

“When you deal with people who are bullying you, it’s difficult to not be afraid and not be angry,” says Proctor.

Emotionally, it’s important to know what your response is going to be if someone does something inappropriate. Proctor recommends having a prepared response.

“If your natural response is to hold your breath and not say anything, that encourages the bully to keep going,” says Proctor. “You have to have a well-thought-out response for any level of misbehavior.”

Proctor says statements such as, “I will go to HR about this,” can catch the bully off guard and alert them that you’re not afraid to protect yourself and stand up for what’s right.

Bullies are looking for people who are willing to submit to their power. If you make it look like the bully’s actions and words don’t affect you, it often takes away their power, and they’ll move on.

For more information on self-defense or to schedule a session with Proctor, visit cooperfitnesscenter.com or call 972.233.4832.